Posts n Essays

these are most recent to oldest, and sharing is encouraged

Sex and Stigma: stop slurring, negging and name calling

Violence is not a point of view

Apology without Action is Sorry, eh

Lesbian Role Models

Being Offensive is not defensible

Religion and Genocide: connected – Canada Day

why a no to a date is not phobic

Of Rights and Reason

Pride: protest to parade to protest again

vandalism: the oppessor vs oppressee divide

Genetics: Sexuality and Gender

Counting Queers

Public Bathrooms: time for there to be Three

repost: trans questions

can we say religion is the problem?

Phobia vs Not Dating

LGBTQ2 thoughts: L for Law

Lavender Lives: Alix Dobkin

In which a Lesbian and a Gay Man discuss “women”

the thing about lesbians

The Terf Turf “Discussion”

When will Gender Stop being a costume?

bantering with bisexual

Russian Lesbians, eh

The Sexual Presley Revolution

Lesbian Visibility Day 2021

When Drag Really Is

The Thing About Rights…

dear would be hetero allies to LGBTQ2

We are beyond #LestWeForget

nurturing or neutering words defining a gender’s spectrum

International Women’s Day 2021

Lest We Forget/End of Planet

The Who and How of Harm


Towards Equality, but when?

religious sex scandal yawn

LGBTQ2 and Incel Culture

Queerbaiting vs Inclusion

Why it is not a joke ever

when will lesbian movies lesbian?

Queer on Film: Watermelon Woman

Equality and The Canada Charter

Queer Professions

LezLingo: Lanyard Lesbian

Billie Holiday: Lady Blue

Role Models vs Allies

G-G-Generations of Queers

2020: the Queer Quantum State

90s vs 20s Pandemics

The Universe vs all religions

Happy Greta Garbo Death Day

27 years of Lesbian Avengers

Heterosexual women vs LGBTQ2 women, womyn, womxn, wimmin

Vancouver 90s Activism Art

Intro to Naughty Nineties Dyke Mentoring


if you go to someone’s house and they do not have books, do not fuck them.

John Waters

The only queer people are the ones do not love anyone.

Rita Mae Brown

I am a rare species, a unique individual

Ivan Coyote

qmunity of L G B and T

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